07 July 2010

Calgon, Human Beans and Unemployment

Today, my room reminds me of the one I had at my parents' house. I'm laying on the bed, mostly unemployed, drinking coffee from my Human Bean mug, listening to Death Cab For Cutie. I'm apparently still in high school. It's nice to go back every once in awhile. My shirt even smells like the calgon spray I put on every day for 5 years or so.

It's fabulous to be unemployed. My bout with unemployment won't last long, though--I've got an interview on Friday for a more normal day job, still working for Tiger Weekly and I got another interview for a company that ghostwrites email for online daters (it takes a long time to explain). I'm starting to think that my parents didn't know what the hell they were talking about when they said "it's easier to find a job when you've got a job." Yeah, to hell with that. Some jobs are so mindwrecking and unhealthy that you have to quit just to think clearly. And, for at least a month, I've been wondering why the hell I didn't do this six months ago, or even a year, when I got the degree and made all these half-hearted promises to myself. I guess I was too scared, too comfortable, too addicted to things. Who knows. I can't afford to spend more time worrying about it right now, though I'll probably dig it up later and do an autopsy.

Reading Mandi's 101 in 1001 list makes me want to write one. Today seems like a good day for that, since I've apparently moved to Seattle as far as weather is concerned. It's been raining every 20 minutes for days. Not joking.


  1. Maybe what your parents meant was... It's less stressful to find another job when you have a job. You can go into an interview with a "If I don't get this, meh... I have income, no biggie." attitude. Where as if you REALLY need the job, you might be more nervous?

  2. Yeah, like watching water boil. I suppose it's the level of stress you're willing to feel from being unemployed. I kinda did it right though--I had a month to prepare for no job, so I didn't spend any money. All my bills are paid this month, so I've been enjoying the hell out of this week. Like seriously, no one can take this week away from me.
