12 August 2012

An Open Letter To Cigarettes

Dear, Dear Cigarettes,

I regret that it has come to this.

You are the bane of many lives, and burn like cancer through generations of writers, bartenders, musicians, and artists. Cigarettes, you will not burn through me. I was a writer before you, and though I'm having some trouble tricking my brain into believing this, I will be a writer without you.

I shall delight in replacing you with glorious air-conditioning in the summer, and in wintry times, a cozy blanket. In the pleasant months of the year, your space will be filled with the scents of blooming flowers and fresh-cut grass. The hundreds of dollars I spend on you per year will be redirected to items such as shiny new pens, Kraft Glue, and coconut oil.

I know it's my own fault that I have to write you this letter, but on the real, Fuck You.


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