30 May 2010

A Moppy Sunday

I keep having these dreams that my teeth are falling out, or I'm mopping the floor. Sometimes my teeth are falling out while I'm mopping the floor. Or that I'm so busy mopping the floor that I don't realize my teeth are falling out. Very unsettling.

In the dream dictionary, tooth loss symbolizes powerlessness, working with the teeth as a symbol of power. Your teeth are what people see when you let your guard down and smile. They are a symbol of power, but only when you combine confidence and self-image.

Well, maybe the confidence thing is right on the money. I'm not very gung-ho about myself lately. I feel like a knick-knack. You know those antique, nicotine-stained old things your grandmother's grandmother had when she was a little girl? Some of them had actual uses that mattered in their hayday, like a washboard or a burner cover. Now that they've been rendered obsolete by the washing machine and electric stoves, there will come a day, probably soon, where no one is left who remembers their purpose. I feel kind of like that.

My confidence and self-image are falling out, I suppose. I'm sure you can't trust those books anyway. Maybe all it means is a glimpse into eternity; this is my lot, this is what I deserve. Sentenced to forever remember what I gave up for mediocrity's sake; for the ability to mop the floor until my teeth fall out.

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